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Kindly note, not all products available are reflected on the website. Other Castrol Marine Lubricants can be sourced on request.  Please contact us if you require additional information.

    • In Stock
    • Capacity: 210 litre

    • Download the Data Sheets:


    • POA
    • CDX30 001X210 LI

    • Castrol CDX 30 is a premium alkaline system lubricant designed for use in the crankcase of low-speed marine crosshead engines, including the latest generation of "camless" or electronic engines. It offers excellent water tolerance, thermal stability, oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance, load-carrying properties, and detergency to maintain cleanliness. CDX 30 is approved by major manufacturers of crosshead marine diesel engines and stern tube manufacturers.

      Comparable products:
      Mobilgard 300C
      Melina S 30
      Atlanta Marine D 3005
      Veritas 800 Marine 30
      Navigo 6 SO
    • Code: 3359312
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